When do Minnesota resorts go on the market?

When people start looking for Minnesota resorts for sale, we are often asked: \

"When are Minnesota resorts listed for sale ?"

They’re probably wondering when they typically go on the market. Just like residential homes, resort sales have peak listing times.

Every year, Labor Day is a very important milestone for resort owners. It's like the last day of school for kids! Remember how that felt? For many Minnesota resort owners, the day after Labor Day marks the beginning of a more flexible schedule. It means a bit more free time is on the way, and a chance to relax after a summer of hard work. It also gives resort owners a chance to think beyond the day to day operations and more into the future. For this reason, September is a popular month for resorts to go up for sale. 

Another reason that fall is a common time for resorts to be listed is because the sale of resorts and campgrounds takes much longer than a residential home. The transaction includes a lot of business details. These details take time to work through and to come to agreement on between the buyer and seller. Sellers list in the fall to allow as much time as possible to work through those details. The goal is to have the sale transaction close before the next summer season begins.

What to Expect in 2020-2021 

We’ve been visiting with many resort owners this past month. Questions are usually centered around the sales process and best timing. Every resort owner we’ve talked to has said that 2020 will be their best season ever. And that their September business is the most they’ve ever had! With this being the case, we anticipate more listings of resorts for sale in MN during the months of October and November. This is a little later than usual.

To see an extensive list of resorts for sale in MN, visit our listings page. You’ll see details about our featured listings as well as resorts on the MLS. We would be glad to tell you when Minnesota resorts are listed for sale, and as always, please contact us if you have ANY questions about the resort buying or selling process.

We’re here to help!


Buying a Minnesota resort - where to start?


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